Long Island Football Influencer

[These are the movers and shakers of Long Island Youth Football that we wish to honor. They are Coaches, Recruiters, Parents, NFL/NCAA players, and dedicated people doing things in and outside their communities to elevate the level of football on Long Island. These people do not all have 20 years of experience, fancy alma maters, or superstar backgrounds. Many of them do; but what they all have in common is more important than that: they all put in many hours dedicated to the cause. This is time spent away from their families, sacrificing, working hard to to gain more exposure for players on Long Island, and creating new opportunities for them. Their passion and dedication is fueling the new movement that is getting people on Long Island excited about football. #JoinTheLiyfaMovement]
Anthony Williams has been a fixture in the Long Island youth football community for a very long time. He has been involved with a number of youth sports organizations, played an important role in the growth of Longwood Youth Football, and has improved any organization fortunate to have him involved. He is well known and has a reputation for running a tight ship. He is an advocate for adopting progressive safety measures that will preserve the longevity of the game without compromising the sanctity of it. He endorses a platform of play that is open to children of all abilities but is also a steadfast supporter of competitive play, A,B,C teams and all that goes along with that. He is currently the President of Suffolk County PAL Football where he is a hands on manager, participating in clinics, going out in the field to visit member organizations, and attending games throughout the season. He does not hide behind his title and loves being involved and interacting with the families of Long Island. He is deeply passionate about football and working with children, and like many gridiron influencers he holds down a full time job, cares for his adoring family, and dedicates countless hours helping the kids and families of Long Island realize their gridiron dreams.